Thursday, January 27, 2011

 Blonde aboriginal boy from Papua New Guinea. It facinates me when genetics, race, color and nationality are not what you think they are. I love this picture

Australian aboriginal children. While visiting Wollongong and Sydney, Australia last year, I visited several aborignal museums. Thier history, art, music and culture was very captivating. Once again, skin color, hair color and race was a factor.

One of the places I would most love to visit is India. Something about it is so mystical. I love the people, so beautiful. I plan to visit the southern state of Kerala as well as Maharashtra(Mumbai) and  New Delhi. Here are some of my favorite pictures from India.

One of my favortie indian movies of all time. Kiran and Delilah in 'the journey'.

Indian Festival Ganesh Chaturthi.